Never place all of your food storage plans into one basket. Doing so restricts your ability to overcome all the emergencies that you could face. Some emergencies leave you with the ability to prepare foods while others eliminate everything except the jar of food in your hand. You must be ready for all types of disasters.
Pressure canning vegetables almost could not get any easier than dried black-eyed peas. Rinse the peas., add your spices and the peas. Add water and then place the lids and bands on the jars. Pressure can for 40 minutes and you now have black-eyed peas that taste better than anything you can get at your store and they cost less too.
Watch the video on this page and then download the PDF recipe to your local computer for future use.
Technology has taken much of the fear and danger out of pressure canning. Using modern technology to replace the old style stovetop canners of the past makes pressure canning almost a set-and-forget procedure. No more wonder if the pressure is too high. The modern pressure canners moderate the pressure for you and the timer insures that you don’t overcook your food. Read this article to learn more about how modern technology has come to pressure canning.
It wasn’t that long ago that pressure canning was thought of only for jams, tomatoes and pickles. Modern canning technology has now expanded the foods you can pressure can to almost every type of food. This technology now allows you to pressure can meats to add to your long-term food storage. Read this article to learn how to add real flavor to your food storage.