Reshaping the Brass Cases and Removing the Old Primer
The steps of de-priming and reshaping cases are done by a single die. When the cartridge is fired the brass expands to fill the firing chamber of the gun. It must be returned to its original size. This step squeezes the case and shapes it to the original specs.
During this process the brass is squeezed by the resizing die causing the case to lengthen slightly. This will often require that the case be cut to a safe length for reloading. This is taken care of in a different portion of the reloading
For pistol cases the mouth of the case is expanded slightly to allow insertion of the new bullet. This step is taken care of by the resizing die.
The die has a expanding rod that goes into the case and pushes out the spent primer. During this step the neck of the case is pushed outward to bring it back into manufacturer’s specification. This spent primer is discarded.
A single pull downward on the press will perform these steps. It is very quick and does not take a great deal of effort.
Checking Head Space
The resizing die should reshape the case properly. The way to check is by inserting the case into a case gauge. This will measure the placement of the shoulder and neck of the case. If they are in the proper position the case will be flush with the gauge.
This crucial step is often overlooked by reloaders. Missing this step may let improperly sized cases sneak through the reloading process. This could cause serious problems when attempting to fire this ammunition.
Check Out This Video
We have a video series that explains each step of the reloading process. We also time how long it takes to reload quality ammunition. At the end we also explain in detail the costs of reloading quality ammunition. Don’t miss this video series.