I was raised in the woods of the Southern US. I am most comfortable when I am in the country, living on the land away from the hustle of the city. Some people fear the woods. I thrive in the wilderness.
From their earliest years I have taught my children to be comfortable in the woods and how to recognize the beauty found there. I have also taught them at every opportunity to survive in the woods and be ready for emergencies.
In recent years I have been asked over and over again to teach some of my skills to small groups of people. This has grown to the point where I wrote an E-book that I entitled the Sensible Survival Solution. The title really tells the story behind the book.
Some people on the Internet sell fear and some pretty crazy theories about the emergencies that could come up. I don’t buy into the majority of these as not only are they pretty far out there, the vast majority of people aren’t ready for the real emergencies, let alone the far out variety.
The book and now this website and accompanying Facebook and YouTube channel are designed to help people use some common sense to the approach of preparing for emergencies. Once you have taken care of the basics you can branch off into the fringe emergencies is you wish.
For me and mine, we are going to focus on the Sensible Survival Solution.