When the time to act is upon you the time to prepare is past.
When the time to act is now the time to prepare in past.

Category Archives: Water

Water Filtration a Key to Survival

Water Filtration a Key to Drinking Water Technology has advanced to the point where it is possible to filter lake water and make it potable. Devices as small as a straw have been designed to drink directly from a contaminated water source and…

Harvesting Rainwater for Everyday Use

Harvesting Rainwater is Easier Than You Might Think Rainwater collection is much easier to do than I first thought. With only slight modifications to a gutter system on a house you can divert rain water from the gutter into large capacity containers that…

Storing Drinkable Water

Without Water You Won’t Survive Past 3 Days There is not much more important to your survival than storing drinking water. Without it you will not survive 3 days and you certainly will not be eating many meals from a jar. Water storage…