When the time to act is upon you the time to prepare is past.
When the time to act is now the time to prepare in past.

Tag Archives: weather emergencies

Types of Emergencies – Floods

Flooding emergency

Historically, floods have killed more people than any other type of disaster. One moment everything is fine. The next you can find yourself swimming for your life. You must include flood preparation in your plans. This could mean food and water supplies to wait out the inconvenience of street flooding or a bridge being out or full evacuation plans to escape rising flood waters coming into your home.

Types of Emergencies – Hurricanes or Weather Related

Hurricanes and storm surge. Hurricane Katrina along the Gulf Coast

The majority of damage done by hurricanes is not wind. It is water. Tidal surges cause the most death and destruction in hurricanes. We live inland where cities do not get the tidal surges.  However, significant rain events will cause localized flooding.  Heavy…