When the time to act is upon you the time to prepare is past.
When the time to act is now the time to prepare in past.

Tag Archives: safety

My NRA Hat Stopped a Robbery

NRA hat stopped a robbery

I never drew my weapon or even made a threatening move. The thief saw that I was wearing an NRA hat and correctly assumed that there were easier prey. He quickly moved on and I was grateful. No one was hurt and we were not robbed. My NRA truly saved a life that night.

AR-10 Build – 80% Lower Unboxing


Building weapons for defensive and hunting purposes is legal and probably a lot easier than you think. Having built various weapons for personal use I have come to look forward to each project. The first step in the process is acquiring the pieces to complete the weapon. Here, we look at unboxing the lower receiver for an AR-10 hunting rifle that I am building.

3 Reasons To Reload And Build Ammunition

Will reloading help cut my prepping cost? How well does reloaded ammunition shoot? Is reloading hard to learn? Great questions that are answered in this post.

Reloading can become an essential part of your prepping steps. Especially if you are concerned about your family’s safety. Learn how reloading ammunition will save you money while keeping you stocked on accurate shooting ammunition in a hobby that can turn into a real skill.

How Long Does It Take To Reload Ammunition?

Reloading or Building Your Own Ammunition This is not as crazy as it sounds.  Reloading ammunition is something that has been safely done by individuals for decades.  Almost any caliber cartridge can be safely reloaded at home.  All it takes is the right…