When the time to act is upon you the time to prepare is past.
When the time to act is now the time to prepare in past.

Tag Archives: family defense

Establish a “No Zone” For Your Protection

No zone

How close do you want danger to get to you and your family? How close do you want an intruder to get to you before you take action? To answer these questions means to establish a No Zone. This is a boundary that you establish that if crossed means you are going to take action to defend yourself.

Short Range Defense Options

Short range defense

How Far is Short Range Defense Short range is anything under 25 yards.  This does include hand-to-hand.  Short range defense is the worst possible scenario as it is close and personal.  You will see your foe, be able to talk to the enemy…

Mid Range Defense Options

How Far is Mid Range Defense For our purposes here we define mid range as 25 – 100 yards.  Some will argue that this is really close range but you have to remember that we are talking about non-military individuals on this site.…

Long Range Defense Options

Long range defense

How Far is Long Range Defense? This is line of sight (as far as you can see) down to 100 yards out. Depending on your terrain this could be a very long distance.  Providing defense at these distances will require skill and practice. Be…