When the time to act is upon you the time to prepare is past.
When the time to act is now the time to prepare in past.

Monthly Archives: August 2016

Archive of posts published in the specified Month

Mid Range Defense Options

How Far is Mid Range Defense For our purposes here we define mid range as 25 – 100 yards.  Some will argue that this is really close range but you have to remember that we are talking about non-military individuals on this site.…

Long Range Defense Options

Long range defense

How Far is Long Range Defense? This is line of sight (as far as you can see) down to 100 yards out. Depending on your terrain this could be a very long distance.  Providing defense at these distances will require skill and practice. Be…

Special Problem – Gangs

Gangs and violence

What Are Gangs Gangs are organized groups that are well armed and dangerous now. They will only become more dangerous and aggressive in a disaster situation. They will no doubt use their force and numbers to overwhelm unarmed and unprepared citizens. Even well…

Special Problem – Money, Barter and Finances

Money Barter Finances

We are so accustomed to whipping out our plastic cards to pay for everything most people do not carry much money since the rise of credit cards for crypto you can find if you visit Skrumble. Think about how much you have on…

Bug Out or Shelter In Place

Evacuation traffic during Hurricane Rita

There is always a lot of discussion in the prepper community about whether you should bug out (leaving home) to a remote location or shelter in place (staying home with your family). Bugging out has certain advantages only under special conditions that deserve…

Special Problem – Marauders


Marauders and Paramilitary Groups are a Real Threat Pray early and often that you never have to face this threat. “I don’t store food. I store lead and with my lead I will take your food” This is not a joke. This is…

Special Problem – Unprepared Friends

Unprepared friends will be a problem for you in a disaster. Family is family. I am not addressing family. What I am speaking of are friends and acquaintances who simply did not properly prepare for a disaster. This is a hard one and…

Types of Emergencies – Acts of Terrorism

Terrorism is a Daily Reality We live within 90 miles of each of these: A nuclear reactor. Entertainment complexes where hundreds of thousands of people gather daily. NASA and Kennedy Space Center Tampa, McDill AFB, the headquarters for the US war on terror.…