Add Proteins to Your Food Storage

Even during an emergency you should maintain a balanced diet.  Nutrition is especially important during times of stress and extra work loads.  Emergencies require more of our bodies and our diet should reflect that.  Pressure canning pork, beef and chicken to go along with our daily meals is important to maintaining healthy bodies.

In addition to your food storage, using pressure canned meats in your daily meals just makes good sense.  We buy our meats when they are on sale and then can them.  In the video below I address the cost of this project.  Including the jar, our cost for this project is below $3.00 per jar.  This is far below what canned meats cost in the store.

Watch this video to learn how modern technology makes pressure canning easy and safe.

Recipe for Pressure Canning Seasoned Pork Chunks

Use the download button to save this recipe to your computer.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Pressure Canning Seasoned Pork Chunks”]