Your Home IS Your Best Shelter

Let’s assume that you have a home or apartment to stay in during and after the disaster. Under the best conditions you have electricity, air conditioning and when it rains you stay dry. During a disaster or emergency any or all of these could not be the case. Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best is truly what this plan is about. Your shelter is a huge part of that.

Let’s further assume that during a disaster your current home is not damaged and is still functional. STAY HOME until all danger has past. Do not let curiosity get the best of you and begin venturing out. You are safer at home and the further you are away from home the more danger you are in.

Depending upon the degree of damage to your home will make the decision to stay in it or move to another form of shelter. Hopefully, you will only have minor repairs or simply be without power. That way your supplies are in tact and you are able to function using this plan.

Make sure your emergency plan includes the basic tools and supplies to repair minor damage to your home.  I suggest the following:

  • Hammer and assorted nails
  • Screws and matching screw drivers
  • Tarps of different sizes
  • Paracord

This plan is based upon the home being at least standing when the disaster or emergency has past. Your supplies are safe and you do not have to leave. If only repairs are needed you should have the tools and ability to make those repairs.

Planning Alternative Shelter

Tent shelterHowever, you may have to use alternative shelter. You must prepare if that does happen.

Even if your home is left undamaged you must still plan on temporary shelter in case your extended family or neighbors are not so lucky.

You need a tent with a capacity MUCH larger than is needed for sleeping. For instance, a family of 4 will barely fit into a tent rated for 6. A tent for 3 barely holds a single person with their extra clothes. You have GOT to plan for a larger tent than the number of people you have in your family.

Additional tents are a wise choice. We recently purchased a 10 person tent to go along with our 6 person. I did this so we could have a tent for sleeping and a separate tent for our “stuff”. I strongly suggest a similar approach.


Unless you plan on sitting on the ground during a total disaster you should plan on folding chairs and/or lawn furniture. Portable tables would also aid in cooking, eating and general living all day long.  Folding chairs are cheap enough to have plenty for even guests who drop by.